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Dancing school in a sentence

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Sentence count:11Posted:2021-02-12Updated:2021-02-12
Similar words: riding schoolflying schoolnursing schooldriving schoolboarding schooltraining schoolfinishing schoolengineering schoolMeaning: n. a school in which students learn to dance. 
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1. About ten years ago another dancing school opened on the other side of town.
2. He started teaching at a dancing school.
3. Tap dancing is taught in this dancing school.
4. He insisted that Jennie send her to dancing school.
5. He insisted that he should go to dancing school.
6. I began to learn about love in dancing school, at age 12.
7. Students taking a lesson at Lolan Pole Dancing School in Beijing. The school has five studios and plans to open six more this year.
8. I always study hard at dancing school. My results are always very good.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. She insisted that her mother send her to a dancing school.
10. Upon her return to Beijing, Ms. Luo invested a little under $3, 000 of her savings to start the Lolan Pole Dancing School.
11. Increasing in popularity, women sign up for daily training at a pole dancing school in Hefei, Anhui, for a variety of reasons such as to get fit, to be a pole dancing coach and to work in night clubs.
More similar words: riding schoolflying schoolnursing schooldriving schoolboarding schooltraining schoolfinishing schoolengineering schooldance schoolschool principalschoolingdancingtap dancingschoolteachingfolk dancingbreak dancingsquare dancingbelly dancingmorris dancingballroom dancingdancing partnerschoolold schoolschool dayin schoolat schoolday schoolgo to schoolschooldaysschool bus
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